12 Character Traits That Make A Person Less Attractive

#1 Dishonesty

Madison Moser (Epting)


Photo by Giorgio Trovato of Unsplash

A new study in ‘Personal Relationships’ provided a series of individuals with photographs of various men and women. The participants were first asked to gauge the person’s attractiveness in the photo presented before being given information regarding their personality traits. Following the deliverance of personality information, the men and women were then asked to rank the person in the photograph’s potential for a relationship in their life — ranging all the way from romantic to platonic. The results made clear that information regarding the person’s personality significantly altered their perceived desirability, showing that both cognitive processes and expectations modify judgments of attractiveness.

“Perceiving a person as having a desirable personality makes the person more suitable in general as a close relationship partner of any kind,” says study author Gary W. Lewandowski, Jr.

Furthermore, these results remained consistent with each personality trait, regardless of how attractive one was initially deemed to…



Madison Moser (Epting)
Madison Moser (Epting)

Written by Madison Moser (Epting)

Wanderer. Empath. Friend. Owner of the Sincerely Madison E Publication. Author of “Unapologetically Human” and “While You Were Away” - available on Amazom

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