Member-only story
The Correlation Between Your A.D.D. And Purpose In Life
Some would say they have a severe case of A.D.D, when really…
I include myself in the subtitle reference. I am a person who was diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder (A.D.D) early on in life and went through several methods of treatment before choosing the right stimulant to ruin the next several chapters of my life. I don’t use the term ‘ruin’ lightly as it did exactly that. After severe reading comprehension issues and the inability to pass a college exam with anything more than a C, it wasn’t long before I found myself in the middle of a lumpy, floral sofa seated awkwardly in the office of a psychiatrist. After having me complete a thorough questionnaire and without any formal or verbal evaluation, she diagnosed me as one of the 11% of Americans that have some variance of attention deficit.
The next phase of resolution consisted of 40 mg of extended-release Adderall, once a day, every day until further notice. Putting two and two together, it wasn’t long before my body realized 40 mg wasn’t going to cut it. After 6 months of follow up appointments, my psychiatrist upped my dosage to 60 mg of Adderall per day (40 mg of extended-release) followed by 20 mg of instant release around lunchtime. This course of treatment remained throughout the remainder of my college career, all the…